a sticker of a white wolf wearing a golden crown

Wolfpack Academics

Get your degree, without burning out

Kickstart your studies

Hi, I'm Skylar Abdulla-Wolphe (pronounced Wolf), and I'm an ADHD academic advisor, former law practitioner, and the first in my family to go to college and law school. My goal is to utilize the tools I've learned throughout my schooling to help students combat isolation and reap the rewards of community support and professional advice.Welcome to Wolfpack Academics, where I curate a space of community and support, and handcraft academic programs for each individual student in order to help you maximize study efficiency, take back your free time, and make room for yourself - all so you can finish college without burning out.

I'm not here to sell you a class, or a workshop, or an activity page. I'm here to help you find your pack.

Studies show that loneliness and isolation correlate with lower student performance, and this is especially true for first generation students, international students, and neurodivergent students. Don't isolate yourself; don't fight in the woods alone.

Feeling lost and lonely?

I grew up in West Virginia, deep in rural Appalachia with my younger sister and single mother. I knew education was my ticket to a better life, but I had no one in my family to teach me what that meant. On top of it all I struggled with undiagnosed depression and ADHD, and after nearly failing out of highschool it seemed everyone in my life had given up on me.

Community, College

I discovered the power of a close community, something I was unknowingly missing in my lonely life. Through my pack I was able to learn I could make it to college. I learned how to apply, where to apply, how to identify my skills, and how to leverage those for scholarships. I learned community college isn't shameful, it's a smart financial decision that kept me debt free, and one that lead to a full scholarship in law school.

Finding my pack

In 2009 I got my first computer, which was still uncommon in my neck of the woods. Soon after that I met my family - my pack. I was no longer an individual fighting for myself in the woods, now I was another in a collective of helpers.

With no one in my life to teach me what I needed for school, I had to turn inwards to identify my skills, and outwards to community that could help me when I couldn't do it alone. You don't have to be alone, and you don't have to be scared - I can help you.

Explore the ways to get the help you need:

Community Discord

Wolfpack Academy is a Discord server built by experienced Academic Success Counselor (and rehabilitated lawyer) Skylar Wolphe, to help students combat isolation and reap the rewards of community via server wide events, dedicated study rooms, and academic tips designed to help you finish your degree, without burning out.

The Wolfpack

a sticker of a white wolf wearing a golden crown

Wolfpack Academics was built by experienced Academic Success Counselor (and rehabilitated lawyer) Skylar Wolphe, to help students combat isolation and reap the rewards of community via server wide events, dedicated study rooms, and academic tips designed to help you finish your degree, without burning out. Welcome to the pack!

one-on-one counseling

I'm know for my intuitive and student-focused academic programming, which relies on my skills in communication and identifying the talents inherent to each student -- as well as recognizing the systematic issues that stem from a structure as antiquated as academia. I've built programs from the ground up and counseled hundreds of students for both undergraduate and graduate institutions, and I'm excited to help you take back your free time AND achieve academic success!

If you're struggling with burn out, procrastination, or a lack of direction my academic success counseling packages can help you get that degree, without burning out.

  • One time 90 minute sessions are designed to help you establish control in your academic life. The chaos of academia is impossible to escape, but together we can control that chaos.

  • My 6 week “bootcamp” program is tailored to each student and is designed to establish a goal, build out an efficient plan, and ensure you hit that mark and still have time leftover for YOU.

  • My 15 week structured "semester" program is designed individually for each student to ensure we’re accounting for everything. This program focuses on finding your strengths, maximizing your efficiency, and learning how to reach your potential as an academic - all while maintaining time for yourself and your well being.

Exams package


This 6 week “bootcamp” program is tailored to each student and is designed to establish a goal, build out an efficient plan, and ensure you hit that mark and still have time leftover for YOU.

  • 6 weeks of structured one-on-ones

  • 6 weeks of instant scheduling for any à la carte sessions

  • 3 months paid access to the Wolfpack Academy private discord server

Semester package


This 15 week structured program is designed individually for each student to ensure we’re accounting for everything. This program focuses on finding your strengths, maximizing your efficiency, and learning how to reach your potential as an academic - all while maintaining time for yourself and your well being.

  • 15 weeks of structured one-one-ones

  • 5 à la carte sessions - plus 15 weeks of instant scheduling for any additional sessions

  • Lifetime access to the Wolfpack Academy private discord server


Wolfpack Academics podcast

The Wolfpack Academics Podcast is an advice podcast for college and graduate students hosted by Skylar Wolphe, an Academic Success Counselor and former legal practitioner. Skylar's advice is tailor made for students looking for help finding community, juggling responsibilities, and learning effective study techniques to maximize their efficiency. Having been a first generation and ADHD college student herself, Skylar is a master of procrastination and understands how to help students navigate past similar roadblocks.

Do you have a question you would like discussed on the podcast? Submit it below!

Thank you for stopping by!

Wolfpack Academics is located in the beautiful city of Chicago, Illinois
[email protected]